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Тексты на английском

Тексты на английском

для школьников и студентов

The Roman Empire The Roman Empire / Римская империя The Roman Empire had a huge task in front of them while it was first starting out and while it was becoming a dominant dynasty in the early civilizations. The main problem that the book "Discovering the Global Past" points out is how the Roman Empire found itself growing a little too quickly. The Roman Empire started out very small.

U.S. Financial System U.S. Financial System / Финансовая система США Corporations have the need to raise capital for a number of reasons. Smaller firms need capital to start up operations. Larger firms need capital to expand operations and to finance inventory. There are various ways in which a firm can raise capital through the financial system and numerous individuals and entities.

Microburst Microburst / Микропорыв There are many safety factors that pilots have to take into consideration while completing a safe flight. Everything has to be taken into mind when planning a flight. From weight and balance to preflight inspections. One safety factor that is impossible to have control over is weather. There are many aspects of weather that can affect an aircraft.

Romanian Orphanages Romanian Orphanages / Румынские сироты Imagine a hospital that, at one time ran smoothly helping the public, now with the primary objection of taking care of the thousands of abandoned infants and children. This is the reality in Romania when Nicolae Ceausescu was in power. In 1966 he created an Anti-Abortion/Contraception law in order to raise the population and.

Introducing Christian Ethics Introducing Christian Ethics / Введение в христианскую этику The book that I have chosen to do my book review on is Introducing Christian Ethics, written by Henlee H. Barnette. This book deals with many Christian ethical decisions based on biblical foundations that are applied to various major problems. Some of the major problems pertain to the self.

Corporations have the need to raise capital for a number of reasons. Smaller firms need capital to start up operations. Larger firms need capital to expand operations and to finance inventory. There are various ways in which a firm can raise capital through the financial system and numerous individuals and entities that can assist a corporation in this crucial venture.

Start-up firms and small businesses petition investors for what is known as venture capital. Venture capital comes from wealthy investors, usually a group, who see the potential for growth in smaller businesses. In the early 1990’s the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) expanded its role to assist small businesses. The SEC made it easier for small businesses to raise capital through public stock offerings. Читать полностью

Английские тексты по теме: Science / Наука

There are many safety factors that pilots have to take into consideration while completing a safe flight. Everything has to be taken into mind when planning a flight. From weight and balance to preflight inspections. One safety factor that is impossible to have control over is weather. There are many aspects of weather that can affect an aircraft, in this report I will specifically talk about the microburst.

Microbursts are powerful downdrafts associated with thunderstorms. We have been able to identify microbursts through many studies regarding wind shear and meteorology research. Wind shear is basically a rapid change in wind velocity and direction that happen because of many factors in weather conditions. Such conditions include frontal activity, temperature inversions, and thunderstorms amongst other factors. Читать полностью

Imagine a hospital that, at one time ran smoothly helping the public, now with the primary objection of taking care of the thousands of abandoned infants and children. This is the reality in Romania when Nicolae Ceausescu was in power. In 1966 he created an Anti-Abortion/Contraception law in order to raise the population and achieve his ultimate goal to slowly take over surrounding areas and increase Romania’s power. The next plan of action was to open orphanages, which caused an entire generation of mentally and physically handicapped children. Now after more than four decades, the question is if they have made enough progression on this horrific issue. Читать полностью

Introducing Christian Ethics

Consciousness and Motivation

Английские тексты по теме: Movies / Кино

Приведенный материал может быть использован при составлении докладов, курсовых работ, рефератов на английском, а также для повышения уровня знаний английского языка (пополнение словарного запаса, расширение тематики общения и т.п.)


Статьи и рефераты на английском языке для школьников

Тексты для чтения на английском языке

На этой странице представлены различные тексты на английском языке для чтения. Эти тексты полезны и для школьников и для студентов. Рекомендую начинающим и для тех, у кого маленький словарный запас. Запомните одно правило: "Уровень владения английским языком прямо пропорционален количеству текста, прошедшее через ваш мозг". Так что смелее начинаем читать хотя бы два текста за один день. Через месяц сами можете оценить результат.

Тексты отсортированы, в основном, по количеству используемых слов.

Тексты отсортированы по школьной программе исходя из сложности. Тексты предназначены не только для школьников, но и для тех, чей уровень владения английским языком просто соответствует определенному классу школьной программы.

В английском языке, как и в русском, имеются две формы числа существительных — форма единственного числа и форма множественного числа.