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Время на выполнение работы 20 минут

Лексический диктант №1

Средства массовой информации

Data, editor, report, interview, advertising, public relations, newspaper, magazine, article, review, column, headline, edition, author, issue, mass media, periodicals, daily, monthly, readership, circulation, to give coverage, local affairs , home affairs, foreign affairs, tо subscribe to, to broadcast, entertaining, public opinion, current events, forecast, viewer, documentary, presenter, independent, analytical, celebrity, commercial, freedom, deliver, exchange letters, rapid, high-speed connection, search the Net, download, chat groups, search engine, reference books, bookmarks.

Лексический диктант №2


Attend, be strong at a subject, be weak at a subject, credit test, curriculum, get a diploma, entrance exam, excellent, graduate, hostel, make (good) progress, pass an exam in, postgraduate, register, scholarship, term, uniform, work regularly, education, college, marks, lectures, seminars, subject, university, the course of studies, primary school, secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, free of charge, comprehensive school, General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations, A-level, state education, private education, public schools, boarding schools, federal educational standard, higher education, freshman, Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, compulsory, nursery schools, playground, head teacher, expensive, specialization, junior senior.


Лексический диктант №3

Моя будущая профессия

Personal statement, job satisfaction, promotion, professional skills, travel abroad, lifestyle, reward, accountant, career, job prospects, profession, job, responsibility, to graduate from, employer, employee, a personal data sheet, resume, professional, administrative, managerial, cashier, a specialist in banking, investment analyst, trainee, CV, fill in, look for, marital status, senior account manager, salary, customer, speak foreign languages, reference, qualifications, applicant, application form, competition, working hours, routine, colleagues, flexible hours, overtime, social life, stressful, creative, boring, busy, experience.

Лексический диктант №4

Деньги. Драгоценные металлы.

Banknote, coin, currency, mint, domination, circulation, pound, dollar, euro, change money, counterfeiting, state bank, monetary unit, monetary agreement, monetary policy, International Monetary Fund, money supply, cash, money market, treasure, issue, valid, sell, buy, exchange bureaux, customer, bank counter, exchange rate, amount, precious metal, value, platinum, jewellery, currency reserves, gold, silver, bar, genuine, ounce, fix, carat, diamond, emerald, interest, foreign exchange, percent, yen, equal, inscription, Chief cashier.

Лексический диктант №5

Экономика. Международные финансовые организации.

Developed countries, developing countries, low-income, Third World countries, high standard of living, average income, rich, middle-income, poor, agriculture, natural resources, a shortage of capital, unemployment, population growth, underemployment, growth rate, ecology, pollution, ozone layer, greenhouse gases, wastes, environment, the International Monetary Fund, debt, the World Bank, a short-term loan, a long-term loan, economic development, free trade, industry, shipbuilding industry, space research, mineral deposits, average standard of living, inequality, annual income, ozone depletion, current trend, consumption, debtor country, repay a debt, coal industry, textile industry, production of machinery and cars, crops, food, the Common Market, climate, oil, mining industry.

Лексический диктант №6


Service, current account, deposit, depositor, cheque book, withdraw, saving account, foreign exchange, foreign exchange transaction, cash dispenser, automatic teller machine, due date, insurance, investment advice, loan, mortgage, safe deposit box, borrow, lend, special offer, interest rate, open an account, credit card, debit card, online banking, password, register, check balance, branch, commission, change money, guarantee, profit, shares, bonds, mutual fund, investment portfolio, stork market, London Stock Exchange, signature, charge card, traveller's cheque, bill, tax form, shareholder, own, stocks, deposit slip, the amount in numbers, time deposit

Лексический диктант №7

Международная торговля.

Visible import, visible export, invisible import, invisible export, goods, services, abroad, freight, Gross National product, balance of payment, balance of trade, dominate, manufactured goods, vehicle, foodstaffs, enterprise, economic ties, the Commonwealth, the European Economic Community, foreign trade, international trade, raw materials, machinery, agricultural products, customs, consumer goods, the World Trade Organization, trade legislation, right, most favoured nation treatment, multilateral, plurilateral, bilateral, to resolve a dispute, clause, surplus, deficit, population, natural resources, factory, textiles, shipping charges, foreign investments, enterprises, tourist expenditure, earnings, world's export, livelihood, services, unification, customs duties.

Лексический диктант №8

Числа. Расчёты.

Number, point, comma, fraction, nought, decimal, mean, per cent, hundred, thousand, million, year, telephone number, document number, dates, time, compare, calculate, deal with, oh, zero, love, nil, figure, account, address, temperature, score, interest rate, billion, chart, cost, salary, rise, sharp, increase, fall, discount, digit, stroke, dash, current prices, current rates, approximately, amount, interpretation, expenditure, operating cost, spend, expenses.

Приложение 3

Комплект оценочных средств

Задания для проведения контрольных работ

Контрольная работа №1

Средства массовой информации

Работа состоит из 3 заданий. Каждое задание оценивается в 10 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов - 30.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

Applications, authentication, encrypted, facilities, passwords ,PINs, protected, transactions, victims, criminals

Internet banking

Customers with facilities for Internet banking (also known as online banking) can use their bank’s or building society’s website to carry out payments and other 1 _______________ over the Internet. This form of banking can be done outside business hours and from anywhere with Internet access. Features of Internet banking include payment of bills, funds transfers between a customer’s own accounts, transfers to a third party’s account, loan 2 _______________ and viewing bank statements.

In addition to the Internet banking 3 _______________ offered by high-street banks, a new generation of banks operate exclusively online. These banks tend to offer high interest rates on savings accounts and low rates on loans because their overheads are much lower than those of traditional banks.

Security has become a key issue in Internet banking. For most secure Internet sites, such as Internet shopping sites, single password 4 _______________ is considered sufficient. In an increasing number of countries, this is no longer considered adequate for Internet banking. In these cases, entry to the site requires the input of one of a selection of passwords and multiple 5 _______________. All information is 6 _______________, making it almost impossible for a third party (i.e. a hacker) to access the information.

However, hackers can gain access to inadequately 7 _______________ home PCs, and can record the password as it is typed in (key logging). Spyware and other malicious programs can record private banking details, and send them to a third party. A more commonplace danger is written passwords and PINs falling into the wrong hands.

Internet banking is perceived by some as being too vulnerable to fraud to consider using. However, the number of 8 _______________ of Internet banking fraud is very small. Statistically, in fact, conventional banking activities carry a higher risk of fraud than Internet banking – simple credit card fraud and various forms of identity theft are far more widespread. It is far easier to obtain banking and other details by going through a bag of rubbish and collecting old bank statements etc. than it is to obtain it by hacking.

Generally speaking, unless users are careless or gullible, Internet banking does not carry a great level of risk. Nevertheless, 9_____________ continue to come up with inventive ways to access accounts. An example is “phishing” – using emails purporting to be from the customer’s bank to persuade people to hand over their 10 _______________.

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