Pre-revolutionary southern literature was aristocratic and secular,
reflecting the dominant social and economic systems of the southern
plantations. Early English immigrants were drawn to the southern
colonies because of economic opportunity rather than religious
Although many southerners were poor farmers or tradespeople living
not much better than slaves, the southern literate upper class was
shaped by the classical, Old World ideal of a noble landed gentry
made possible by slavery. The institution released wealthy southern
whites from manual labor, afforded them leisure, and made the dream
of an aristocratic life in the American wilderness possible. The
Puritan emphasis on hard work, education and earnestness was rare
-- instead we hear of such pleasures as horseback riding and
hunting. The church was the focus of a genteel social life, not a
forum for minute examinations of conscience.
William Byrd (1674-1744)
Southern culture naturally revolved around the ideal of the
gentleman. A Renaissance man equally good at managing a farm and
reading classical Greek, he had the power of a feudal lord.
William Byrd describes the gracious way of life at his plantation,
Westover, in his famous letter of 1726 to his English friend
Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery:
Besides the advantages of pure air, we abound in all kinds of
provisions without expense (I mean we who have plantations). I have
a large family of my own, and my doors are open to everybody, yet I
have no bills to pay, and half- a-crown will rest undisturbed in my
pockets for many moons altogether.
Like one of the patriarchs, I have my flock and herds, my bondmen
and bondwomen, and every sort of trade amongst my own servants, so
that I live in a kind of independence on everyone but
William Byrd epitomizes the spirit of the southern colonial gentry.
The heir to 1,040 hectares, which he enlarged to 7,160 hectares, he
was a merchant, trader, and planter. His library of 3,600 books was
the largest in the South. He was born with a lively intelligence
that his father augmented by sending him to excellent schools in
England and Holland. He visited the French Court, became a Fellow
of the Royal Society, and was friendly with some of the leading
English writers of his day, particularly William Wycherley and
William Congreve. His London diaries are the opposite of those of
the New England Puritans, full of fancy dinners, glittering
parties, and womanizing, with little introspective
Byrd is best known today for his lively History of the Dividing
Line, a diary of a 1729 trip of some weeks and 960 kilometers into
the interior to survey the line dividing the neighboring colonies
of Virginia and North Carolina. The quick impressions that vast
wilderness, Indians, half-savage whites, wild beasts, and every
sort of difficulty made on this civilized gentleman form a uniquely
American and very southern book.
He ridicules the first Virginia
colonists, "about a hundred men, most of them reprobates of good
families," and jokes that at Jamestown, "like true Englishmen, they
built a church that cost no more than fifty pounds, and a tavern
that cost five hundred." Byrd's writings are fine examples of the
keen interest Southerners took in the material world: the land,
Indians, plants, animals, and settlers.
Robert Beverley (c. 1673-1722)
Robert Beverley, another wealthy planter and author of The History
and Present State of Virginia (1705, 1722) records the history of
the Virginia colony in a humane and vigorous style. Like Byrd, he
admired the Indians and remarked on the strange European
superstitions about Virginia -- for example, the belief "that the
country turns all people black who go there." He noted the great
hospitality of southerners, a trait maintained today.
Humorous satire -- a literary work in which human vice or folly is
attacked through irony, derision, or wit -- appears frequently in
the colonial South. A group of irritated settlers lampooned
Georgia's philanthropic founder, General James Oglethorpe, in a
tract entitled A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of
Georgia (1741). They pretended to praise him for keeping them so
poor and overworked that they had to develop "the valuable virtue
of humility" and shun "the anxieties of any further ambition."
The rowdy, satirical poem "The Sotweed Factor" satirizes the colony
of Maryland, where the author, an Englishman named Ebenezer Cook,
had unsuccessfully tried his hand as a tobacco merchant. Cook
exposed the crude ways of the colony with high-spirited humor, and
accused the colonists of cheating him. The poem concludes with an
exaggerated curse: "May wrath divine then lay those regions waste /
Where no man's faithful nor a woman chaste."
In general, the colonial South may fairly be linked with a light,
worldly, informative, and realistic literary tradition. Imitative
of English literary fashions, the southerners attained imaginative
heights in witty, precise observations of distinctive New World
Olaudah Equiano (Gustavus Vassa) (c. 1745-c. 1797)
Important black writers like Olaudah Equiano and Jupiter Hammon
emerged during the colonial period. Equiano, an Ibo from Niger
(West Africa), was the first black in America to write an
autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah
Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789). In the book - - an
early example of the slave narrative genre -- Equiano gives an
account of his native land and the horrors and cruelties of his
captivity and enslavement in the West Indies. Equiano, who
converted to Christianity, movingly laments his cruel
"un-Christian" treatment by Christians -- a sentiment many
African-Americans would voice in centuries to come.
Jupiter Hammon (c. 1720-c. 1800)
The black American poet Jupiter Hammon, a slave on Long Island, New
York, is remembered for his religious poems as well as for An
Address to the Negroes of the State of New York (1787), in which he
advocated freeing children of slaves instead of condemning them to
hereditary slavery. His poem "An Evening Thought" was the first
poem published by a black male in America.
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