1963- The Hope That Stemmed From The Fight For Equality Essay,
Research Paper
November 20, 1995
1963: The Hope that Stemmed from the Fight for Equality
There is a desire in every person’s inner being to strive for
equality. The fight for equalization has existed throughout time.
Jews, Negroes, women, and homosexuals are examples of those who
have been inspired to fight for equal rights, for justice, and for
freedom. The struggle for black equality was the event that turned
the United States of America upside down. For over two centuries,
Negroes have struggled to work their way up the ladder to ultimate
parity. Methods for obtaining this equality differed over the
years. Escaping slaves, underground railroads, court cases,
demonstrations, sit-ins, and marches all played into the
ever-complicating history of this struggle.
The intense hatred of whites for Negroes grew out of the Civil War.
One of the reasons for the war was the issue of slavery. When the
Confederates lost the war, their position in the political world
was taken away. Any position held by someone connected with the
Confederacy was given to a northern man. In many cases, the new man
was a Negro. The Negroes did not have the opportunity for equality
long. After a few years relations between the north and the south
were restored, and the position was taken away from the Negroes and
given back to white men. In the time that the Negroes occupied
these positions, southern whites developed a deep hatred and
animosity for Negroes. From that day forward the strain between
blacks and whites grew.
Racial discrimination appeared to be eternally present. Hope looked
slim as the years wore on, and little progress was made toward
freedom. Tension came to a head in 1963 as Negroes grew tired of
silent acceptance of racial discrimination. Demonstrations,
sit-ins, peace talks, and marches graced the front pages of the
newspapers in major cities in the south and in the north. The hope
of a future for African-American people in America was greatly
affected by the struggles and persecution they endured during the
year 1963.
The struggles started in the hearts of every black person alive.
The feelings began with children as they were called “niggers”, and
as they were beat up upon by white children. The opportunity to
fight back wasn’t given, nor was it taught in Negro homes. As jobs
were gained in the white world, discrimination grew. Striving for
excellence and higher knowledge of the trade was forbidden and
punishable by the loss of the job. Anger and bitterness grew in
hearts until they knew it was time to act as a people.
In order to properly view the hope that resulted from 1963’s
events, the events themselves must be looked at. As the actions of
the Negroes became more prominent, the white hatred for them
increased steadily. Harrison and Salsbury portrayed it well. “Every
channel of communication, every medium of mutual interest, every
reasoned approach, every inch of middle ground has been fragmented
by the emotional dynamite of racism reinforced by the whip, the
razor, the gun, the bomb, the torch, the club, the knife, the mob,
the police, and many branches of the state’s apparatus.” (275) The
southern city in the greatest spotlight was Birmingham, Alabama. It
provided a graphic view of the conditions common in cities all over
the country. Staged sit-ins at segregated lunch counters started
off as the main form of demonstration. The police rushed in and
tried to take control, but with the reoccurrence of this act came
the withdrawal of the police forces on the scene. Lunch counters
simply closed down.
The next form of battle was mass demonstration. In these mass
demonstration marches thousands of people gathered in the churches
where they were given instructions by prominent Negro leaders. From
there they flooded the main streets of Birmingham singing, “We
shall overcome” (”Tension Growing Over Race Issues” 37). Thousands
were jailed, including men, women, teenagers, and children. This
did not stop the Negroes. As the demonstration marches continued,
police took to more drastic measures. The reports in the Life
magazine read like this:
“With vicious guard dogs the police attacked the marchers — and
thus rewarded them with an outrage that would win support all over
the world for Birmingham Negroes. If the Negroes themselves had
written the script, they could hardly have asked for greater help
for their cause than City Police Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor
freely gave. Ordering his men to let white spectators come near, he
said: “I want ‘em to see the dogs work. Look at those niggers run.”
This extraordinary sequence — Brutal as it is as a Negro gets his
trousers ripped off by Conner’s dogs — is the attention-getting
jack pot of the Negroes’ provocation” (30). The pictures taken
during this time are grotesque. Violence was out of hand. The
Negroes persevered through it all. Of a similar march in Washington
it was stated, “More significant than the immediate effect the
Washington civil rights march would have on the Congress of the
U.S., more remarkable than the spectacle itself, was the Negroes’
orderly demonstration of their potential as a moral force” (”They
come marching up Conscience Road”).
Things in the city of Birmingham started looking up. Then, just as
suddenly as peace was coming in, violence broke out again as black
residences and hotels were bombed and rioted. There was a mass of
people rioting in the streets. President Kennedy sent in federal
troops against the governor’s wishes.
Not only did the struggle effect black people, it also effected
white people. Stores in downtown Birmingham suffered as sales
dropped fifty percent. Women no longer felt safe enough to go out
on the streets and to the stores. Negroes in the south were making
progress, as slow and unrecognizable as it may have been.
In the north, demonstrations contained less violence but just as
much force. Rather than protesting over segregated lunch counters
and restrooms, northern Negroes protested against the
discriminating hiring policy at local restaurants, desegregated
schools, and equal housing and employment opportunities. In New
York, this demonstration was against a White Castle Hamburgers
restaurant which had all but refused to hire Negroes. Teenage
demonstrators showed their disapproval by carrying signs stating
what they wanted. “Equal Opportunity, Now”, the signs read. White
gangsters who ate regularly at the White Castle responded by
throwing chairs and rocks at the Negroes. It erupted into chaos. It
required three hundred police officers to regain peace (”As
militancy rises in ranks of the Negroes in the North” ).
The Negroes’ bitterness and hatred was not aimed only at white
people. In the north, Negroes gave black political leaders grief
for their suggestion for patience and caution in their fight for
parity. Patience and caution were not the virtues it took to make a
change (”As militancy rises in ranks of the Negroes in the North”
). Students staged numerous sit-ins challenging the school systems.
They were seeking acceptance into these predominately white
schools. The goal of Negroes in the North was not integration, but
desegregation. Similar circumstances occurred in Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Boston, and
The Negroes hard work paid off as opportunities for equality began
slowly opening up. In Birmingham, Alabama black and white leaders
came to an agreement on May 8, 1963. The demonstrations were to
cease while peace talks were in effect. On May 9th, Negroes were
granted three of their requests for equality. A couple of stores in
downtown Birmingham opened their counters to Negroes. There was a
promise for better, although not equal, job opportunities. A board
was to be set up to look at the possibility of integrating the
school system. Finally, on May 10th, the jails began releasing
Negro demonstrators. Negroes saw these three promises as a gigantic
step towards victory. Martin Luther King’s victory statement
attributed the victory to the mass demonstrations. He believed that
the use of teenagers and children was a deciding factor in white
leaders’ decisions. When one Negro teenager was asked to comment on
his involvement, he said, “I marched for freedom — freedom to eat
and work and go to school with whites. It’s no sin to be born
black” (”Tension Growing Over Race Issue” 38). Other victories
included being allowed to try on clothes in a store, being
addressed as Mr. or Mrs., desegregation of beaches, hotels, and
housing subdivisions, and many increased job opportunities.
Opinions of white people varied. Many people agreed with the
segregation, hatred, and racial discrimination that was already
established. To them, Negroes weren’t even fully human. They were
content with Negroes subordinate place in society. There were
others who outright disagreed with the events taking place. A few,
such as President Kennedy, fought for the Negroes equality.
President Kennedy hoped “that the turmoil would remind every state,
every community, and every citizen how urgent it is that all bars
to equal opportunity and treatment be removed as promptly as
possible” (”Tension Growing Over Race Issues” 38). An unknown
amount of people also disagreed with the discrimination, but these
people could not speak out. They feared for their jobs, their
homes, and their lives. Perhaps this white high-school teacher
summed the entire struggle for black equality up best. “To me the
solution is very simple: just treat human beings as human beings.
But to many of these people Negroes are not human beings” (”They
fought a fight that won’t go out” 36).
Behrens, Laurence, ed. “Fear and Hatred Grip Birmingham” The
American Experience:
“After Birmingham Riots — trouble lingers on” US News and World
Report 27 May 1963: 40-42.
“Arlington Receives a Murdered Hero” Life 28 June 1963: 34.
“Assasin kills a Negro leader” Life 21 June 1963: 28.
“What the African Negro Wants” US News and World Report 29 April
1963: 47-52.
“A Negro Revolt Brewing in the North” US News and World Report 10
June 1963: 35-36.
“Tension Growing Over Race Issue” US News and World Report 20 May
1963: 37-39.
“The Negro’s Future in the South” US News and World Report 3 June
1963: 60-65.
“They Fight a Fire That Won’t Go Out” Life 17 May 1963: 27-36.
“To Break Color Bars at School” Richmond Afro-American 11 May
“What Negroes in the North are Really After” US News and World
Report 11 May 1963.
1963- The Hope That Stemmed From
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