A Look At Animal Testing Essay, Research Paper
“They’re Pinky and the Brain
They’re Pinky and the Brain
One is a genius; the other’s insane
They’re laboratory mice
Their genes have been spliced
They’re Pinky, they’re Pinky and the Brain, Brain
Brain, Brain, Brain.”
This theme song to a popular cartoon is a farce dealing with
experiments carried out on animals. In the cartoon one mouse is
made very smart and wants to take over the world while the other is
clearly not as smart. While the cartoon makes jokes, the reality is
that mice and other animals re being used for medical tests every
day. For some people this testing brings up ethical questions. One
of the biggest questions: is it really necessary to take the lives
of animals in the name of science and for the betterment of
humanity? For animal rights activists, like People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA), the answer is no. PETA pressures labs
into halting experiments because they believe that animals are not
to be used by humans for “food, clothing, entertainment, or to
experiment on” (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 1). Its
stance is that any testing is painful, inhumane, and unnecessary
when alternatives are available. The PETA website says that
“animals, like humans, have interests that cannot be sacrificed or
traded away simply because it might benefit others.” (People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals 2-3). Essentially, PETA is of the
opinion that animals and humans should have identical rights. In
their press releases PETA puts out pictures of rabbits with open
flesh wounds and dogs with rashes on their skins–all in an attempt
to disgust people into sympathy for their cause. In actuality the
number of lab animals used has been cut in half in the last 25
years (James-Enger 254). Of the animals used, 90 percent are rats
and mice (James-Enger 1). Moreover, 11 million animals die each
year in animal shelters (Americans for Medical Progress 2) and an
astounding 95 percent of the animals that die in America do so from
human consumption (James-Enger 254). The reason that animal testing
is appropriate is that there are regulations in place to minimize
testing and pain, the alternatives are insufficient for now, and
most importantly the information obtained from experimentation is
While animal rights groups such as PETA advocate abolishing all
animal testing that inflicts pain on animals, proponents of testing
cite laws and regulations which minimize pain and discomfort.
PETA’s position is based on the belief that “humans are not
superior to animals (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).”
The vice president of the Humans Society of the United States
(HSUS), an animal rights group that is nearly as extreme as PETA,
has been quoted as saying “the life of an ant and that of my child
should be granted equal consideration (Americans for Medical
Progress 2). If, as PETA and HSUS say, animal and human life is
equal, then putting an animal through any pain is immoral. However,
there are laws in place to minimize discomfort and inhumane
treatment. The laws limit the amount of distress and pain an animal
is subjected to. The United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA), the body that governs animal testing, must approve all
tests (United States Department of Agriculture 2). The USDA must
also authorize the numbers and types of animals experimented on
(United States Department of Agriculture 2). Tests can no longer be
performed if conclusive data is already available. In 1991 it was
discovered that Procter and Gamble had performed experiments on 300
guinea pigs when the data the tests was to obtain was already
available (”Animal Testing by the Cosmetic Industry” 2). This is
just one of the situations that newer animal testing legislation
would have prevented or at least deterred. A fifty-point criterion
for assessing pain is in place (United States Department of
Agriculture 3). These points include everything from vocalization
of pain to apparent depression. If there is no clear criteria then
it is “assumed that procedures that cause pain in humans also cause
pain in animals (United States Department of Agriculture 50). When
an animal must be restrained it is to be limited to brief periods
of around three minutes (United States Department of Agriculture
3). This is similar to the procedure followed when a doctor holds a
child to administer a vaccination shot. For all surgeries and
painful tests, sedatives and anesthetics must be utilized (United
States Department of Agriculture 49). If the test will leave the
animal permanently damaged, euthanasia must be administered before
the anesthetic wears off (United States Department of Agriculture
48). For humans this topic is still being debated, but animals are
put to sleep every day when an owner or veterinarian decides the
quality of the animal’s life will be too low for it to go on
living. These few but important changes in animal research
legislation have aided in improving animal welfare.
PETA believes that the benefits of animal research do not outweigh
the costs when alternatives are available; proponents argue that
those alternatives are not effective. PETA’s stance is that animal
life is too valuable to risk on experimentation especially when
there are alternatives, such as false human skin grown in culture,
computer programs, and using human subjects. Taking a few skin
cells and growing them into small squares of skin produces the
false human skin. This piece of “skin” can be used to test
irritation reactions to different chemicals. It is being used in
the cosmetic industry, which has all but ceased animal testing.
problem with the false skin however is that it can only be exposed
to water-soluble chemicals or it suffers extreme damage (D.E. 168).
Furthermore, it currently contains no melanocytes, the chemicals
that give skin its color, or immune cells (D.E. 168). It is not
known how or if these substances effect any laboratory setting, but
it is desirable for any experiment to mimic real life situations as
closely as possible. Another alternative to actual animal
experimentation is using computer simulations. These programs are
like encyclopedias of chemical information. They can only run
simulations based on information on chemicals and reactions that
are already known. This is an obvious problem with this
“alternative.” Computer simulation software cannot accurately
predict the effects of enough situations and theoretical chemical
combinations to be heavily relied on. What it comes down to is that
there currently is no viable replacement for live, responsive
cells. Jack H. Botting and Adrian R. Morrison point out that “there
are no basic differences between the physiology of laboratory
animals and humans” (Botting, Morrison 85). These similarities are
what scientists need for experiments to be accurate. The matches
are never perfect, but animal experiments are a good place for
researchers to start looking for answers to questions that are
important to human health care. Another proposed alternative to
animal testing is to use human subjects. PETA suggests using people
who have particular ailments who would be willing to participate in
experiments. The problem with this alternative is that it is not
scientifically sound. When conducting a scientific experiment, all
variables must be controlled, and running tests on random human
subjects does not give reliable results. Assuming that a researcher
could find enough people to run an experiment, there would be too
many extraneous variables, such as the subject’s environment,
genes, and other pre-existing conditions. With lab animals the
complete medical history is known, the entire life of each animal
is documented. Also they are selectively bred to produce
genetically similar subjects. Simply put, lab animals are a cheap,
reliable source of information.
The benefits gained from animal testing are too widespread to
ignore. Everyday life has been changed for the better because of
this testing. As 1990 Nobel Prize Laureate Joseph E. Murray, M.D.
said, “Animal experimentation has been essential to the development
of all cardiac surgery, transplantation surgery, joint replacements
and all vaccinations” (Americans for Medical Progress 1). The
numbers to back up this claim are that over 440,000 open-heart
surgeries are performed and 11,000 kidneys are transplanted every
year, not to mention that animal experimentation has made possible
the salvation of 20,000 kidney dialysis patients each year (Botting
1). Also, the ability to test on animals has made possible the
relatively safe and successful use of dangerous chemotherapy drugs
to treat cancer (Americans for Medical Progress 1). Drugs such as
this cannot be tested on humans because of their strength and
potential for killing in inappropriate doses. If the proper dosage
were not known, the results would be inaccurate and could be
lethal. Many antibiotics and vaccines used today were developed and
tested through animal research, as were insulin to control diabetes
and nearly all modern anesthetics (Botting 1). It is hard to
imagine life without some of these lifesaving drugs, or even the
ones that do not save lives, just make life a little more bearable.
It is likewise significant to note that animal testing has
benefited animals as well. When a pet owner takes his or her animal
to the veterinarian to receive shots, chances are that those shots
are available because of animal experimentation. Heartworm, feline
leukemia, rabies, anthrax, and tetanus are all preventable because
of animal testing. PETA and HSUS are honorable institutions with
admirable goals, but they are over idealistic and overzealous. That
fact can best be described by the following quote: “Animal rights
activists blocked for two years research aimed at stopping
transmission of HIV from mother to child. That research ultimately
demonstrated how AZT can prevent babies from getting AIDS
(Americans for Medical Progress).” Sometimes the good of the many
outweighs the good of the few. This does not mean that animal
testing should go unchecked. Suffering is kept to a minimum by
legislation and advancements in testing alternatives. As these
alternatives progress, the number of live animals needed for
testing will gradually decrease and eventually the need for them
will hopefully be eliminated. But in the meantime, animal testing
is too important to stop. The benefits waiting to be had are too
important and any possible drawbacks are too insignificant to allow
a halt in animal research.
Works Cited
“Animal Testing by the Cosmetic Industry.” (20
March 1999).
“Animal Research Saves Human and Animal Lives.” Americans for
Progress. (20 March 1999).
“Animal Research Holds the Key to Saving Human Lives.” Americans
for Medical
Progress. (20 March 1999).
Ball, Matt and Anne Green, and Jack Norris. “Veganism as the Path
to Animal
Liberation.” The Animal’s Agenda Sep/Oct 1998: 44-45.
Botting, Jack H. and Adrian R. Morrison. “Animal Research is Vital
to Medicine.”
Scientific American. 187 February 1997: 83-85.
D. E. “Skin Stand-Ins.” Scientific American. September 1990:
James-Enger, Kelly. “Beyond Animal Testing.” Vegetarian Times.
1998: 254.
“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.” (20
March 1999).
“21 Things You May Not Know About the Animal Rights Movement.”
for Medical Progress. (20 March 1999).
U.S. Department of Agriculture: Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Animal Welfare Report Fiscal Year 1997.
A Look At Animal Testing Essay Research
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