Antigone Essay, Research Paper
Book Report
May 10
In the play “Antigone” by Sophocles, Creon and Antigone have
distinct conflicting values. Creon’s regard for the laws of the
city causes him to abandon all other beliefs. He feels that all
should obey the laws set forth by him, even if other beliefs, moral
or religious, state otherwise. Antigone, on the other hand, holds
the beliefs of the gods in high reverence. She feels that the laws
of the gods should be obeyed above all others, especially when in
respect to family.
Creon’s patriotic values clash with Antigone’s ethical values to
make conflicting roles. Creon has a very strong opinion about the
laws of the city and the laws passed by him. His method of
enforcing them is very strict. He orders that Polyneices will not
be buried because of his dishonor towards Thebes. Furthermore, if
anyone is caught burying him they will be killed for disobeying his
order. Polyneices is Antigone’s brother. He is being punished
because he attacked Thebes and betrayed Creon and the people of
Thebes. Creon’s harsh punishment on those who disobey the law makes
many fear him and dare not to go against him.
One example is Ismene’s regard for Creon’s laws. Ismene tries to
talk her sister out of burying her brother because of what could
happen to her if Creon found out that she went against him. Ismene
says, “We must obey them…I yield to those who have authority”(64,
68). Not only do the people of Thebes obey the laws of the city
because of their fear but because it is a shame to dishonor the
king. “If we defy the King’s prerogative and break the law, our
death will be more shameful even than theirs.” (58-61).
Antigone does not want to let her brother be left without a proper
burial. Her belief is to show respect and love towards her brother
she must bury him. Her beliefs in “The sacred laws that Heaven
holds in honor” (78) are far more important than those set by the
king. She feels that the king cannot override her belief in the
gods. Antigone feels very strongly about burying her brother
against Creon’s orders.
She refused to back down from her opinion
when confronted by the king and sentenced to death. Antigone’s
reasoning is: “It was not Zeus who published this decree, Nor have
the powers who rule among the dead Imposed such laws as this upon
mankind; Nor could I think that a decree of yours – A – man-could
override the laws of Heaven Unwritten and unchanging” (439-444).
She goes on to say that she does not want to go before the gods
after she had disobeyed them because of a decree made by a mortal
king. The loss of a brother is greater to Antigone than the loss of
any other kind. She says, “For had I lost a son, or lost a husband,
Never would I have ventured such an act against the city’s will.
And wherefore so? My husband dead, I might have found another;
Another son from him if I had lost A son. But since my mother and
father have both gone to the grave, there can be none Henceforth
that I can ever call my brother”(907-914). To Antigone, this is
another reason to honor her brother. For as she honors her brother,
she is honoring her mother and father as well.
Creon, being a new king, wants to prove his abilities as king. He
is being harsh, so the people of Thebes do not take him for an easy
king as other problems arise. Creon feels that if someone dishonors
the city in which he rules they must be punished. If Polyneices is
not punished then Creon’s power may be taken for granted by the
people of Thebes. They would think of him as a weak King who can be
dishonored without fear of punishment. Creon wants to be respected
and feared as a king because this will give him more power. He does
not want to be a bad king, using his power for evil things, but a
strong king. However, in order to be a strong king, one must be
strict and firm in one’s decisions. That is the kind of King that
Creon is. Creon is a strong king because Thebes is important to
him. He wants to be respected. He also wants Thebes to be a great
Antigone and Creon have different ideas of what is right and what
is wrong. However one cannot say who is right and who is wrong,
that would be a matter of opinion. Both Antigone and Creon have
their reasons for their actions. Antigone has the laws of heaven as
well as her family in mind; on the other hand, Creon’s concern is
his city and its greatness.
Antigone Essay Research Paper Erin Book ReportMay
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