Cold War Essay, Research Paper
Major Sources of Discord between the Bolsheviks and European
States: 1917 to 1921
There were several major sources that created discord between the
Bolsheviks and western states in Europe from 1917 to 1921.
Conflicting ideologies that each attacked the very fabric of the
other?s respective society led to the notion that capitalism and
communism could not coexist. The attempts of both actors to hold
control of their own political system and to expand their political
ideas internationally led to major conflicts between them. Also,
the lack of respect for the upstart Bolshevik government by the
west led to misperceptions concerning the actions of the Soviets.
Russia?s unsatisfactory involvement in World War I and their abrupt
departure from the war which affected the western Allies war effort
created much disenchantment between the two sides. The imperial and
expansionist nature of both groups of actors led to conflict as the
creation of both communist and non-communist blocs began with the
independence of Poland as a free state in 1919. By using the
Communist party as a vehicle to inject Communism into societies
abroad, the Bolsheviks began to make free countries take notice of
the threat that the ?worker?s party? presented and began to act in
strong opposition of Communism. The actions of both sides began a
race for an expansion of two different ideologies which created
conflict so strong that in due time another World War seemed
inevitable. The ?Cold War? had begun.
The fundamental difference between Russia and Europe was extremely
contrasting views in ideology. The modernization of politics in the
late 1800?s and early 1900?s had created similar political
movements in both Europe and Russia meant to increase the authority
of the masses over their own government. These movements replaced
authoritarian regimes with political systems that were created to
better the lives of the common people (Harris). Leading states of
Europe such as France and Britain began to take the path of ?social
democracy? in which the working class would be given a voice
through parliamentary elections (Harris). Also by organizing the
proletariat through trade unions, social democracy allowed for
collective bargaining to lead to improvements in working
conditions, pay, benefits, and other factors that helped to limit
the exploitation of lower class labor (Harris). On the other hand,
the Bolshevik model for serving in the best interests of the common
people was not to raise the level of the proletariat by giving them
more rights and a stronger political voice, but to bring down the
upper class that was exploiting them by destroying the caste system
altogether. The goal of Bolshevism was to use a governing body to
place the masses into one equal social class where everybody would
work equally for the advancement of society as a whole (Harris).
Communism under the direction of Lenin called for the abolishment
of private property and the nationalization of all means of
production thereby putting the state in control of all economics,
politics, and social concerns (Harris). With the direction of the
Bolshevik party, the Soviets were beginning to form a cohesive
political machine that was to shape a new communist Russia, and
eventually, a new communist world.
An intrinsic trait of Communist ideology was the opposition of the
imperialist and capitalist ways of the west (Harris). The
Bolsheviks contended that capitalism itself was one of the human
race?s major evils and should be eliminated. Marxism states that
inequality and lower class exploitation creates inter-class
struggle which he felt was a major downfall of society (Harris).
Fueled by materialistic greed, members of a capitalist society
found themselves constantly trying to better themselves at the
expense of others around them. The lower class of society such as
the peasants and workers were being exploited by the upper
bourgeois in the way that they were paid and how they were
The Bolsheviks felt that the ultimate example of capitalistic evil
was the Western imperialists who contended with one another for the
accumulation of lands that they had no right to control (Harris).
States such as Britain, Germany, France, and Austria-Hungary were
proponents for the imperialist way which Lenin felt would lead to
an inevitable World War between the imperialist states (Ulam, p.
79). Lenin?s idea was that the competition for lands and resources
as well as the expansion of various political ideologies would lead
to an inter-imperialist conflict as had happened in prior history
(Harris). The outbreak of World War I in 1914 brought the idea of
an inter-imperialist war to fruition.
Tsar Nicholas II led Russia into W.W.I. in 1914 with the prospects
of defending itself from the expansionist Triple Alliance
consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (Harris). Russia
entered the war on the side of France and Britain in what became a
very costly and unpopular World War. However, after the Bolshevik
takeover of Russian government in 1917, Lenin?s main focus was to
increase the stability of the new Bolshevik regime and raise the
credibility of the new government in the eyes of the Russian
people. In the years between 1914 and 1917, Lenin would try to find
a way to stabilize the Soviet Union by getting out of World War I
(Harris). Lenin contended that the Soviet Union would rather not
participate in the war, but would rather ?gain strength and
maintain the oasis of Soviet power in the middle of the raging
imperialist sea? (p. 79). He felt that fighting alongside
imperialist countries such as Britain and France in an imperialist
war was not something that was in the best interests of Communist
ideology (Harris). In the early stages of Communist power, European
states such as France and Britain would not even recognize the
Bolshevik regime as a legitimate governing force (Harris). Many of
these countries denounced the new Bolshevik government since the
new regime forcefully uprooted the democratic provisional
government that took over power after the revolution of February
1917 (Harris). Such an abrupt and rather uncouth upheaval gained
little respect in the international political community and
weakened the credibility of the new government (Harris). Western
anti-ideological sentiment towards Russia would not come until
after the conclusion of W.W.I. but the rigid west set the stage for
future dealings with Russia.
The lack of Russian effort in World War I created much strife
between Russia and the Britain/France coalition (Ulam, p. 90).
Russia entered World War I in 1914 with the objective of protecting
her own lands as well as the lands of Serbia, and stressed that
acquiring land was not an integral part of Russia?s military agenda
(Harris). However, the Triple Alliance was taking Europe piece by
piece; fighting a two front war between the Allies of the west, and
Entente forces from Russia and the east (p. 90). By focusing on
attacking the Germans from both the east and western fronts, the
Allies could cause the Germans to spread their forces thin and
consequently take Europe back (Harris). Much to the dismay of
France and Britain, Russia was not as strong an ally as they would
have hoped. The Soviet Union spent a good deal of its resources to
reinforce the British and the French against their enemies, yet
well organized and efficient offensive attacks from the east was
something the Russians could not execute (Ulam p. 89). Russia could
not give the Allies much support since the war had taken a huge
toll on Russia economically and the upheaval that occurred on the
home front left much of Russia?s resources to be put to use
domestically. The Allies became frustrated at the Soviets for not
giving them the effort that they needed to defeat the Alliance
(Ulam, p. 88). Russia?s rather ineffective involvement in the war
came in 1918 when Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest Litovsk. The
treaty that allowed Russia to achieve peace with Germany by giving
concessions of land and heavy economic resources to the
To the Allies, it appeared that the Russo-German peace agreement
simply saved Russia at their expense. Now the Allies were incapable
of fighting the Germans as effectively as they could if Russia was
involved in the war. It appeared that Russia had turned its back on
France and Britain by saving itself. The Allies also began to
explore the possibility that Russia had secretly aligned with
Germany because the massive concessions given basically made Russia
an economic slave to Germany (Ulam, p. 91). With Russia bowing out
of the war, the Allies were on their own and they became more
cautious in their future dealings with the Russian state.
The events of W.W.I also brought major sources of discord between
Germany and Russia. Throughout the war, Russia chose to take more
offensive positions against Austria-Hungary than towards the
Germans (Ulam, p. 80). They tried to fight the Triple alliance, yet
at the same time not acting in a way to infuriate Germany and cause
a massive German assault on Russia (p. 89). Due to Lenin?s
assumption that Russia would not be able to survive an all out
German attack, he signed the rather costly Treaty of Brest Litovsk
and thereby gave major concessions to the Germans in exchange for
their neutrality (Ulam, p. 89). The ?harshness? (p. 89) of the
treaty that was dealt by the Germans created much disenchantment
between the two sides (p. 89). The reparations called for the
Germans to be paid 6 Billion German marks in gold and goods that
would have inevitably made Russia an ?economic satellite? of
Germany (p. 89) After the treaty was signed, Germany created
tension by not adhering to the treaty as they had agreed (p. 80).
The Germans pushed the Bolsheviks out of Ukraine and Finland and in
many instances failed to withdraw troops from the front lines (p.
80). Ironically, only an Allied victory of World War I saved Russia
from Germany?s grasp. The Allies won the war in the end without the
help of Russia and the fall of Germany allowed the reparations to
be paid in Brest Litovsk to be null and void (Harris). However, the
damage had been done. The Germans had little sympathy for a torn
Russian state and exploited Russia for all that it could.
After the conclusion of World War I in March of 1918, the concern
of a democratically driven counter-revolution became imminent.
Lenin knew that division between the new Bolshevik regime and
supporters of the provisional government known as ?Kadets? drew a
line through Russian society. The Russian people were becoming
disillusioned with the new Bolshevik regime and a civil war between
the ?Whites? (socially democratic driven ?Kadets?) and the ?Reds?
(Bolsheviks) consequently erupted in 1918 (Harris). Lenin felt
control of Russia slipping away and knew that the focus of his
regime had to be in the domestic rather than international arena
(Ulam, p. 84). The Allies attitude towards Russia had changed as a
result of World War I (Ulam, p. 84).
By signing the peace treaty,
for the first time the Bolshevik regime was seen as being the
official government of Russia by most of the world, and free states
of the west began to take notice of the ideological differences
between themselves and the Russians (p. 80). In 1918, near the end
of World War I, forces from the United States, France, and Britain
gathered in Russia to ?expand the eastern front? against the
Germans (p. 84). The purpose of these interventions at first was to
use Russian soil to win World War I, not to support either side of
an ideological civil war that had just begun and was occurring
simultaneously (p. 84). Before Russia made several questionable
decisions in World War I, the ideology behind the Bolshevik regime
was not challenged heavily by the west (Harris). Ulam states,
?Until November 1918, the Allied intervention in Russia had nothing
ideological about it. It was designed simply to give the Western
Powers? armies in France, which at the beginning of the German
offensive in March 1918, were struggling desperately…? (p. 92).
However, since the Allies already had troops in Russia already to
fight the Germans, it became convenient to offer aid to the White
armies (p. 84). After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in
1918, Britain and France made several attempts to advance the
positions of the White counter-revolutionaries in the civil war by
giving aid in the form of troops, supplies, and arms (p. 91). The
Allies felt they could also encourage White forces by having ?a
token troop presence that would stir up the ?healthy elements? in
Russia into vigorous anti-Bolshevik activity? (p. 91). However, the
aid that the White armies received proved to be offset by the lack
of discipline, political focus, and capable decision-making that
inevitably doomed the White cause (p. 92). The western state?s
interventions were also not of dynamic proportions. There were
several instances throughout the civil war when the western powers
felt the Whites were going to win convincingly (p. 92). The
pro-White European states also were limited in the amount of aid
they could give considering the monumental casualties that World
War I had created, and getting heavily involved in another
country?s own civil war would not be popular in their respective
homelands (p. 86). The Allies also felt that as the Civil War went
on ?the mass of the population was turning against the Bolsheviks?
(p. 92), and the Kadet movement would at some time regain political
power (p. 92). These miscalculations of the Allies helped
contribute to the Bolsheviks winning the Civil War in 1921, but the
intervention of the allies on Russian soil widened the gap between
the west and Russia.
With the failure of the West to intervene and successfully defeat
the Bolshevik government, Lenin felt the democratic countries would
?compose their differences and attack [The Soviet Union]? (Ulam, p.
78). As a result, Lenin attempted to thwart further intervention by
retracting his comment that communists could not coexist with
capitalists (Harris). He also agreed to allow the French to take
positions as they pleased and enacted plans for trading between
Russia and Britain that would allow ?people in the business
community to have a stake in Russia free of Communists? (Ulam, p.
99). Lenin?s rather suave actions may have saved the Bolshevik
regime by giving the Soviets time to establish themselves free of
potent intervention by the West.
From 1917 to 1920, as Russia found itself torn between entrenching
a new government, dealing with negative sentiments from Europe,
fighting a massive world war, and suppressing counter-revolutionary
movements, Lenin knew that the opportunity to expand communism into
Europe did not exist at the time (Harris). However, as the
Bolsheviks gained more stability in Russia in the early 1920?s,
Lenin chose to push for the expansion of the Communist ideology on
a nationwide scale (Harris). He knew that Bolshevism was fast
becoming a political force in the international arena. Communists
were gathering support around the world in all countries through
the sympathetic ear of the proletariat, and the ideological
curiosity of the intellectual. The success of the Bolshevik
uprising and 1917 set an example to Communists everywhere that they
could also create their own Communist state through a well
organized revolutionary movement. Communism was injecting a fresh,
utopian ideology into what was becoming a democratically driven
world. They were fast becoming an enemy of social democratic
states, and a threat to their way of life.
In his plan for worldwide communism, Lenin concluded that Germany
(the country that he referred to as ?the giant?) was the key to
creating a Communist Europe (Harris). He felt that if Germany
(which was a heavily industrialized state with a strong economy and
a well educated population) would become communist, it would open
the door for the communism to expand throughout Europe (Harris).
After the conclusion of W.W.I the German regime was dissolved, and
the Bolsheviks began to ?woo the German socialists? (Ulam, p. 94)
into creating a Communist revolution in Germany. The Bolsheviks
tried to obtain more influence in German society by giving gifts
and using the Comintern?s influence to create grass roots levels of
revolution. However, when their labors did not yield a new
Communist regime, democratic nations of the world took notice of
the Bolshevik?s revolutionary tactics (Ulam, p. 94). By trying to
use Germany as the spark to create a worldwide revolution the
Soviets had failed, and in the process they created even more
strife with the west.
Lenin further pushed for Communist expansion in the 1920?s by
calling for a plan to expand Communism into imperial colonies using
a model of ?two stage revolution? (Harris). Lenin felt that
imperial powers that controlled colonies were susceptible to
creating grassroots communist movements because these states did
not focus on educating their colonists and instilling them with a
strong political ideology (Harris). Also, these colonies were
mostly poor colonies that were made up mainly of poor, lower class
peasants who could be sympathetic to the communist cause (Harris).
Lenin?s two step plan called for colonies to free themselves of
imperial control and establish their own governments (Harris).
After their independence was established, Communist Party influence
in these states would lead to organization of peasants and workers
who would take over the state waving the Communist flag
In 1919, Lenin had established an organization of worldwide
communists known as the Comintern whose goal was to increase the
influence of the Communist Party in nations around the world
(Harris). The Comintern was created to allocate the resources and
provide the organization required to create radical socialist
revolutions on an international scale (Harris). Lenin began to use
the Comintern vigorously in the 1920?s in an effort to increase the
party?s influence in Europe. Lenin?s main goal was to create a
total communist world and the fall of Europe from the hands of
democracy was the key to achieving his goal. By making his motives
clear on the expansion of Bolshevism, Lenin caused much strife
between Russia and the west by encouraging the growth of the
Communist movement on the soil of democratic European states
(Harris). In many of these countries, the Communist party was soon
banned and its members were arrested to curb any threat that the
party held (Harris).
In 1920 it was well noted by the western democracies that ?two
stage revolution? was a real threat when Communist Party
involvement was exposed in Turkey. Revolutionary leader Kemal
Ataturk fought against imperialist control with the help of Russia.
He used the Communist Party to build support for his movement, then
later purged many of the members in order to gain more influence
and sever his ties with the Communist Party (Harris). Even though
communism did not reign in Turkey, it made the world realize the
evident threat of communism developing on a grass roots level in
their own country.
Along with the threat of the expansion of Bolshevism in the 1920?s,
the imperialistic actions of Russia became the principle source of
tension between Europe and the Soviet Union. A territorial concern
that created much strife was over the Slavic area that lie between
Russia and Germany. After World War I, Poland was created as an
independent state out of the three empires that had once occupied
it: Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary (Ulam, p. 107). Poland had
also created its own democratic government with the support of the
League of Nations (Harris). With Poland becoming its own free
state, a buffer zone was created between the Soviet/German border
that would make it difficult for the Bolsheviks to gain access to
Germany and lead a Communist revolution (Harris). The Treaty of
Versailles had also created the countries of Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, and Yugoslavia and made careful arrangements to set up
these counties as a bloc of democratic governments to curb Russian
imperialism (Harris). Lenin?s plans for the expansion of Bolshevism
into Germany became complicated by the new Polish state (Harris).
They no longer had direct access to the German border. Russia also
felt that Poland contained lands that were rightfully part of
Russia. As a result, the Soviets invaded Poland in 1920 in an
effort to reacquire lands that they had lost as a result of the
Treaty of Versailles as well as regain access to Germany by taking
further territory all the way to the German border (Harris). Upon
their planned occupation of Poland, the Soviets intended to gather
the support of the workers and lead a Communist revolution in
Poland thereby destroying the Pole?s newly established
non-Communist regime (Harris). Poland eventually defeated the
Russians with the help of French troops in 1921, and the upstart
attempt to create Communist revolution in the remains of a war
tattered Europe failed (Harris). In 1921, Poland mounted its own
offensive that pushed Russian troops all the way east to the city
of Kiev. The expansionist actions of the Soviet Union undermined
the peace negotiations that ended W.W.I. and caused much
anti-Communist sentiment among the nations of free Europe
With the Russian Bolsheviks coming to power in October of 1917, the
spread of communism on a worldwide scale began. The idea of the
expansion of Marxist thought became a source of tension that pitted
Russia and its experimental communist society against states of
democracy and capitalism in Europe. The strife that developed
between Russia and Europe was the result of expansionist movements
by the Communist Party either directly or by encouraging grass
roots communist growth within (Harris). Also, the questionable
actions of both the Bolsheviks and the western Europe during World
War I as well as the Russian Civil War created much hostility
between the new Russian state and the establish states of the west.
The actions taken by the Western states to hold back Bolshevik
expansion clashed with the Communist?s revolutionary aspirations
and dreams of global dominance. The struggle between two entities:
one of rebellion and growth, and the other of maintaining social
order and suppression become prevalent, and subsequently the ?Cold
War? had begun.
Cold War Essay Research Paper Major Sources
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