Compare And Cantrast Web Du Bois & Booker T Washington Essay,
Research Paper
Compare and Contrast
WEB Du Bois and Booker T Washington
W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T Washington had very different views
about their culture and country. Du Bois, being born in the North
and studying in Europe, was fascinated with the idea of Socialism
and Communism. Booker T Washington, on the other hand, was born in
the South, and like so many others, had a Black mother and a White
father. Thus being born half-white, his views and ideas were
sometimes not in the best interest of his people.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born on February 23, 1868 in
Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Du Bois had a poor but relatively
happy New England childhood. While still in high school he began
his long writing career by serving as a correspondent for
newspapers in New York and in Springfield, Massachusetts.
After his high school graduation he enrolled at Fisk University in
Nashville, Tennessee. There he “discovered his Blackness” and made
a lifelong commitment to his people. He taught in rural Black
schools in Tennessee during summer vacations, thus expanding his
awareness of his Black culture.
Du Bois graduated from Fisk in 1888, and entered Harvard as a
junior. During college he preferred the company of Black students
and Black Bostonians. He graduated from Harvard in 1890. Yet he
felt that he needed further preparation and study in order to be
able to apply “philosophy to an historical interpretation of race
relations.” He decided to spend another two years at the University
of Berlin on a Slater Fund Fellowship.
W. E. B. Du Bois traveling widely in Europe, was delighted by the
absence of color consciousness and impressed by their mellow
civilization. Still, he knew that his life’s work was at home, and
returned to America in 1894.
His work as an editor of The Crisis, the organ of the NAACP, from
1910 to 1934 was perhaps the most sustained and uncompromising
single effort in the history of racial protests in America. As
early as 1909 he had projected an “Encyclopedia Africana” that
would preserve and expand the store of knowledge about Black
people. Encyclopedia of the Negro: Preparatory Volume appeared in
1945. Du Bois’s twilight years in Ghana where devoted mainly to
this task.
Du Bois placed his stress on culture and liberty, urging higher
education, and full political and civil rights for all. He had
become interested in the problems of Africa as well as
Afro-Americans. Du Bois wanted Black Africa independent from
colonial rule and united within. In 1961 he accepted the invitation
of President Kwame Nkrumah to take up residence in Ghana, the first
ex-colonial Black African nation. Du Bois had lived to see his
Pan-African dream becoming reality.
During his student days in Germany, Du Bois took his first
tentative steps toward the political left. He joined the Socialist
Party in 1910, resigning, however, in 1912. In the 1920’s he began
reading Marx carefully, and during the 1930’s he considered himself
a Marxist Socialist, though he criticized the Communist Party for
its ineptitude in dealing with Black problems. Du Bois was indicted
by the department of Justice early in 1951 for “failure to register
as agent of a foreign principal” concerning his work as chairman of
the Peace Information Center. The charge was absurd and Du Bois was
acquitted, but not before he had suffered deep humiliation from
this example of Cold War political persecution. During 1958 and
1959 he spent most of his time in the Soviet Union and China, and
in 1961, at the age of ninety-three, he joined the Communist Party
of the United States.
W. E. B. Du Bois, a Ghanian citizen, died on the evening of August
27, 1963. The legacy of Du Bois as a writer, thinker, and racial
leader may well prove to be more durable than that of any other
Afro-American of the twentieth century.
Booker Taliaferro Washington was born a slave on April 5, 1956, in
Franklin County, Virginia. His mother, Jane Burroughs, was a
plantation cook, and his father was an unknown white man.
A former slave who had become a successful farmer, and a white
politician in search of the Negro vote in Macon County, obtained
financial support for a training school for blacks in Tuskegee,
Ala. When the board of commissioners asked the head of Hampton to
send a principal for their new school, they had expected the
principal to be white. Instead Washington arrived in June 1881. He
began classes in July with thirty students in a shanty donated by a
black church. Later he borrowed money to buy an abandoned
plantation nearby and moved the school there. By the time of his
death in Tuskegee in 1915, the institute (now a university) had
some 1,500 students, more than 100 well-equipped buildings, and a
large faculty.
Washington believed that blacks could promote their constitutional
rights by impressing Southern whites with their economic and moral
progress. He wanted them to forget about political power and
concentrate on their farming skills and learning industrial trades.
Brick making, mattress making, and wagon building were among the
courses Tuskegee offered. Its all-black faculty included the famous
agricultural scientist George Washington Carver.
Washington was preeminently a man of his times, a man not only
having a rare sense of historical timing but one who, in the words
of Du Bois, enjoyed “a thorough oneness with his age.” Living in a
period of unprecedented economic and industrial expansion,
Washington sought by every device, covert and overt, to involve the
recently freed Black man in America’s economic expansion. In
attempting to achieve this objective, he became very much the
pragmatic realist.
Apparently Washington received the white world’s acclaim because
what he attempted to do did not disturb the status quo; he provided
minimal Black achievement within traditional political and
economical structures. By 1910 it was evident Washington had been
granted more power than any Black man has ever enjoyed before or
since. No president or governmental appointments involving Black
people during the Roosevelt and Taft administration were made
without his approval.
Another example of his influence is that he was the first African
American whose face appeared on a United States postage stamp, thus
honored a quarter century after his death. Again in 1946 he became
the first black with his image on a coin, a 50-cent piece. His
ten-cent stamp went on sale in 1940 at Tuskegee Institute, which
Washington had founded when he was only twenty-five years old. The
educator’s monument on its campus shows him lifting a symbolic veil
from the head of a freed slave.
His endless preaching about Black self-help and self-discipline was
also good advice, provided, of coarse, that the white power
structure would help in the psychological rehabilitation of the
Black man. Throughout all of his days Booker T Washington scorned
the value of Black office holding and never openly fought for a
restoration of the ballot. There is now some evidence to indicate
that he did give substantial but surreptitious financial support to
the Black man’s fight for the franchise in Louisiana, Georgia, and
Alabama. Nevertheless, Washington chose to be politic rather than
Washington was not agonized by what Du Bois called the Black man’s
sense of double consciousness, the sense of being both a Black man
and an American. Booker T Washington was singularly free of inner
conflicts about his dedication to America with its worship of
property and material substance.
However controversial his methods and objectives, few can doubt
that Washington worked hard to achieve them. Certainly the high
point in his career was his famous speech at the Atlanta Cotton
States and International Exposition in 1895, in which he accepted
social and legal segregation but promised racial friendship and
Although W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T Washington were very
different, they undoubtedly influenced the Black population of the
United States. Du Bois, although supported communism, excellent in
a utopian society yet devastating in reality, had his people’s
interest at heart. Booker T Washington, founder of Tuskegee
Institute, did help some Black population’s problems, yet he was
more interested with the White culture and its ideals.
Compare And Cantrast Web Du Bois
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