Constitutionality Of The War Powers Resolution Act Essay, Research
The framers of our Constitution recognized the need for separate
powers as well as checks and balances among the executive,
legislative and judicial branches. This in turn helps to “provide
for the common defense”. Separation of powers prevents one branch
from becoming excessively dominant over the other ones. The
preamble to the constitution states:”We the People of the United
States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution of the United States of America.”In order to accede to
the preamble and adhere in its goals, the Constitution divided
certain distinct areas of power between both Congress and the
President. With these powers thus divided, neither branch was
intended, under the Constitution for one to dominate the other. The
way in which the Constitution ensures this is by clearly stating
the authority of the Congress in Article I Section 8 and the
authority of the President in Article II Section 2. These fixed
powers in the Constitution clearly state that one cannot act
without permission or authorization of another. It is designed to
that one cannot take action without consent of the other branch.
This is prevalent in Article I Section 7 that states the process of
how a law is passed. The fact that there are clear steps to the
initiation of a law states the importance of separation of powers
so that a single dominant branch does not arise.One of the biggest
debates concerning the separation of powers is the attempt to
determine which branch has the constitutional authority to
undertake the involvement of war. This brings us to the argument of
the constitutionality of the War Powers Resolution passed by
congress in 1973 in effort to balance powers between congress and
the president.Section 3 of the War Powers Resolution act
states:”The President in every possible instance shall consult with
Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into
hostilities or into situation where imminent involvement in
hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after
every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress
until United Sates Armed Forces are no longer engaged in
hostilities or have been removed from such situations.”Section 3 of
the War Powers Resolution is necessary for the perpetuation of
democracy and its inherent system of checks and balances.
(RushKoff, 1337) (Mason, 105-106) The development of executive
dominant role in war making has resulted in an attempt by congress
to reassert its constitutional war-making powers. The War Powers
Resolution (WPR) represents congress attempt to regain a degree of
involvement in the nation decision to engage in war. Decisions that
presidents had made previously with little congressional
participation.Under Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, To
make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this
Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any
Department or Officer thereof.Congress is granted responsibility
for caring out their powers as well as all other powers in the
Constitution. This gives them the constitutional right to establish
certain procedural implements for war proceedings. Thus, the
central purpose of the War Powers Resolution is to restrain the
president from unilaterally deploying U.S. Armed Forces.Constant
with this intent, legislation imposes the president to report and
consult with congress. More notably, it provides congressional
supervision by permitting congress to force troop withdrawal after
a statutory prescribed length of time. The War Powers Resolution
does not significantly constrict the executive power to introduce
military engagements. Rather it establishes procedural implements
for the use of war power and concurrently expresses congress intent
to participate as an active partner in the war decision making
process as mandated in the constitution. (Mason, 154) (RushKoff,
1331-1333)The constitutional powers of the President in Article II
Section 2:”The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army
and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several
States, when called into the actual Service of the United States
“Gives him the title of Commander-in-Chief.
The presidents powers
of commander in chief is to introduce United States Armed Forces
into hostilities, are exercised only pursuant to a declaration of
war or specific statutory authorization by Congress (Article I
Section 8). The President and the Congress are prevented from
achieving an armed dictatorship. The presidential Executive power
as Commander in Chief, is confined to when Congress declares
The War Powers Resolution is a legitimate in its compliance with
the Constitution for a balanced government. A war making decision
is a judgment of immense gravity, and it should not be considered
carelessly. Therefore, political consensus should exist if there is
a possibility of war engagement. If a president can not get the
American public nor congress to agree in his war-making decision,
subsequently he should not pursue the matter. Since congress is
more closely associated with the American people, they maintain and
offer insights that the president often lacks. According to the
Constitution, Article I Section 8: ” provide for the common Defense
and general Welfare of the United States;” Congress is presented
with the responsibility of representing the American people, hence
providing for the general welfare. This is also consistent with the
preamble objective of insuring “domestic tranquility” as well as
encouraging the “general welfare” (RushKoff, 1338) (Mason,
135-139)There is restraining amount of precedence to the subsidy of
the War Powers Resolution since the Supreme Court has not decided
on many cases that decide on war powers. Nevertheless, Youngstown
Sheet & Tube Co. V. Sawyer (343 U.S. 579, 1952) argues that the
presidents’ role, as commander-in-chief is restricted. In
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer. President Truman attempted
to seize the nations steel mills for fear of nation-wide strike.
Truman felt that this would be detrimental to the national defense.
Congress did not authorize the seizure and provided president with
an additional manner to handle this situation. Nonetheless, Truman
seized the mills despite congress’s disapproval. Truman relied on
authority granted by the commander-in-chief clause in the
constitution. (Mason, 135-139) (Goldberg, 33-34) The Supreme Court
decided that the President had no power to seize the mill in
absence of congressional approval. Justice Frankfurter reasoned
that the Taft-Hartley Act (stated that strikes by federal employees
are outlawed) expressly denied the president the authority to
monopolize war powers. In addition, Frankfurter also noted that
executive practice with the acquiescence of congress is deceptive.
Justice Jackson also ascertained that powers of president are at
it’s maximum when implicit by congressional authority and when
president acts specifically to his powers granted by the
constitution. He concluded that Truman’s seizure surpassed the
realm of presidential powers. Hence, the Supreme Court denied power
of president to seize the steel mill during the Korean War in
absence of congressional authority acknowledging the prominence of
balancing powers. (RushKoff, 1342-1343) (Goldberg, 33-34) (Mason,
135-139)The Founding Fathers balance the separation of powers
manifested in various forms in the Constitution. The original
intent of the Founding fathers in terms of balanced separation of
powers is met in the War Powers Resolution. The congressional power
to declare war was meant as one of several checks on the
President’s authority over the use of American military forces. The
War Powers Resolution helped to restore war power balance between
the president and congress. Further, it is a practical restraint on
the presidential use of armed forces and an appropriate mechanism
for the president and congress to share in decisions pertaining to
involvement in war. The War Powers Resolution does not violate the
constitution; rather it reflects the objective of sharing powers
between the legislative and the executive. It helps curb abuse of
power performed by any of the branches. Thus, the War Powers
Resolution is in compliance with the Constitutional roles of
congress and the executive branches. (RushKoff, 1344-1346)
BibliographyGoldenberg, Norman S. et al. 1991. Casenote Legal
Briefs Constitutional Law. Santa Monica:Casenotes Publishing
Company, Inc.Mason, Thomas A. and Donald G. Stephenson, Jr. 1996.
American Constitutional Law Introductory Essays and Selected Cases.
New Jersey:Simon & Schuster.Rushkoff, Bennett C. 1984. A defense of
the War Powers Resolution. Yale Law Journal 93:1130-1354
Constitutionality Of The War Powers Resolution Act
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