Could The UN Be A World Government? Essay, Research Paper
?The vision of a unified world, freed from the anarchy of
tribalistic strife among organised fragments of the human race and
possessed of a government able to disperse justice and maintain
order among all men, had long captured the prophetic imagination of
a philosophers and poets.?
Yes, the UN can be a world government although it is my opinion
that it would be very improbable it would happen at least in the
near future for a variety of reasons. They include the fact that
many if not most of the states making up the UN would not be
willing to hand over their sovereignty to a world body, according
to realists. It is a well-known fact that the overwhelming majority
of states would put what they regard as the welfare of their own
nation above everything else, the interests of a world state
included. Also, the sheer complexity of uniting over 200 countries
would prove to be an enormous task. For example, it would prove
difficult dividing the power between all the states in the world.
There is the question of whether to divide the power between GDP or
populations as was done in the European Union. On the other hand,
idealists believe there are many positive aspects to uniting the
world politically. Global issues such as war, poverty, human rights
and the environment can be dealt with more efficiency. With a
united world, the poorest parts of the world can be helped by
richer member states. All these points will be discussed in further
detail throughout this essay.
The idealist in us looks for a major shift in state behaviour away
from sovereign selfishness and toward cooperation in an
international system structured to prevent aggression and promote
economic growth. In order for the public to accept the legitimacy
of the UN as a world government, people would have to renounce
nationalistic arrogance and ideological intolerance, in order to
help them to fit into the ?world picture? instead of just a
?national picture.? We would need to create a sense of people
belonging to a much wider picture and optimistically; states would
realize that it is to their national interest to join a world
government. After states join this world government body, comes the
hard part, making it work. Universal values are essential for this
world government to work. It is a fact that states that join up to
the UN must uphold some basic universal values such as human rights
and non-aggression. However, universal values are just the start.
In order for world government to work we need to agree on more
issues. The UN has been the instrument for converting common
interests into common policies. If the UN were to grow into a
common world government, it ultimately would need to create
international laws that would have the legitimacy of all the people
of the world. At first, these laws would be simple, something most
states would agree on, the problem comes when these laws become
more controversial.
We can look at the European Union for some guidance and
inspiration. After all, it is the most advanced form of regional
political structure in the world. It is my strong belief that a
world government would have to work fundamentally like the European
Union, of course, at a much bigger and complicated level. Like
Brussels is the capital of the EU, a world capital would be
assigned, chances are it would be New York (because it currently is
the main headquarters of the UN). The capital of the world
government would hold central power and accordingly distribute
power to the member states as a type of federation. How much power
the central authority would keep and how much it would distribute
to member states is difficult to say but one thing is for sure, the
state as we know it will have significantly less sovereignty. Why a
federal system not a unitary system of world government, one may
ask. The reason why is because a federal system will maintain a
certain degree of diversity within a pattern of unity. This
diversity would be enough so states do not lose the ability to
control ?local? affairs as well as maintaining ?local? culture and
traditions. The make-up of the bureaucracy of this world government
is as follows. The General Assembly would probably be ?upgraded?
into a world parliament, with the elected president or Prime
Minister of each state representing that state in the parliament.
Like the European Commission, there would likely be a World
Commission, serving as the executive branch of the World
The Security Council would almost certainly, in my
opinion, remain although the make-up of the council would certainly
change (the ?big five? might lose their veto power). Almost
certainly there would be a World Court of Justice, with its laws
processing supreme sovereignty over state or regional courts just
like European law is sovereign to state law in EU states.
Once this world government is implemented, in theory, wars would
eventually ?die out?.. According to Emery Reves, author of the book
The Anatomy of Peace, wars between groups of men forming social
unites always take place when these units-tribes, dynasties,
churches, cities, and nations-exercise unrestricted sovereignty.
Wars between these social units cease the moment sovereign power is
transferred from them to a larger unit like a world government. In
another words, as soon as a state loses the means of waging war,
war can be controlled and even eliminated by a larger state body.
One example to support this theory is the fact that since the
European Community and later the European Union were formed in
1957, no EU state has waged war on another EU state. If a world
government were defined as a set of effective means for preventing
disorder, then this is clearly what the world requires.
On the other hand, realists believe a world government is merely a
dream, at least in the near future. They disagree with Reves in
that government has never served as a magic wand to banish problems
of disorder in any human society. It is sheer nonsense to assert
that law has always succeeded in producing peace. As Quincy Wright
points out, deaths resultant from military action were more
numerous within the governed United States than the in the
anarchical continent of Europe during the century preceding World
War I. There is also the question of sovereignty. The capacity of
the UN to develop into a form of world government is severely
limited by the fact that it is essentially a creature of its
members. It can do no more than its member states, particularly the
permanent members of the Security Council. As stated before, most
states would be unwilling to hand over their sovereignty (whatever
is left) to a larger supranational body such a world government.
The realist in us, recognizes that the characteristics of state,
their inherent self-seeking and self-judging behaviour are woven
pretty deeply into their fabric. After all, many states, just in
the past 100 years, fought (many are still fighting) for their
independence and they are not just going to give it away easily.
Just in Africa, independence was achieved for most states in the
1950s and 60s. The people in these states finally get their
sovereignty and it is unlikely they will get it away in the near
future. There is also the question of how to divide the power in
the world government. If the world parliament is divided according
to GDP, the US and Western countries (including Japan) would
inevitably benefit tremendously. However, if power were to be
divided according to population (as it is in the EU), China and
India (two developing countries) would have an enormous amount of
power and the richer countries would inevitably not benefit.
All in all, in theory, the UN can be a world government. Although,
as I have outlined throughout this essay, it is my strong belief
that most states would not want to sacrifice their sovereignty (at
least whatever is left of it) in order to unite into a single
global government. There is also a noteworthy absence of a common
underlying culture to support a global international society which
cuts across al the major cultures and civilizations. Although the
idea of a world government may not work just yet, it should be not
be discarded as useless theory. If it were to work in the future it
would bring many positive changes to mankind. It would be, for
instance, a democratic regime, dealing fairly and impartially with
all states, respecting its constitutional limitations and sticking
closely to its business of keeping the world safe from war. Who
knows, maybe one-day states will psychologically put their
differences aside to form a world government. Dreams do eventually
come true but like everything in life, one requires patience.
BibliographyBaylis, John., Smith, Steven. 2nd edition., The
Globalisation of World Politics., (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Claude, Inis, JR., fourth edition., Swords Into Plowshares.,
(Virginia: Random House, 1984).
Heywood, Andrew, ed., Politics., (London: Palgrave, 1997).
Roskin, Michael., Berry, Nicholas., IR: The New World of
International Relations., (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1990).
Could The UN Be A World Government
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