Drug Abuse And Reprocussions Thereof Essay, Research Paper
Facing everyday problemsin these recent years many people turn to
drugs as an escape from the existance they hold. Drug use has
rapidly increased in the last twenty years and has become a
national crises. More people are experementing with different drugs
at a younger age. Due to the rapid increase in drug abuse our
government has looked to rehab as an alternative to jail.
When a person thinks of a drug abuser one usually pictures a person
that looks like thay had just jumped out of a garbage bin. What
most people do not realize is that most drug offenders are the
people one spends a lot of time with. Everyday humans are abusing
drugs without anyone recognizing their illness (Phillips 22). Many
symptoms of drug abuse are easily recognisable. Weight loss or
malnutrition are the most common, resulting when the drug abuser
uses their money to pay for drugs rather than food. Exhaustion is
associated with the end f a recent drug binge. Fever is caused when
a stimulant or a hallucinogen increases the drug users metabolic
rate. A skin flush usually accompanys the fever. Gooseflesh and
sweating are associated with withdrawl and rashes, dilated pupils,
and a runny nose are usually correlate with any drug use (Cohen
308-309). Along with these symptoms come the various different
reprocussions affiliating themselves with each different drug
taken. These results range from headaches to death. With all the
possible side effects one may wonder why people think drugs are
worth all the trouble they are.
Most people start out doing drugs to feel good or to fit in. Early
users had easy access to medicine that made them physically
dependent on that drug and others used drugs as an only escape from
a hopeless existance (Compton?s 275). Teenagers experiment with
drugs to find out about the world thay live in for themselves, to
prove their self worth, and to experience as much as possible. They
want to try something daring to prove their oun fearlessness, to
have fun, act older, or to be accepted (Phillips 22). In the
1950?smore people af all classes and occupations began to use mood
changing drugs both legally and illegally (Compton?s 275). These
drugs were used to induce sleep and relaxation. Other drugs gave
the user a feeling on exileration. Whether the drug was used to
help the user sleep or the get the person high, they all effect the
person?s nervous system and cause an emotional change (275). People
experimented with different drugs to gain the good, well-centered
feeling that is associted with getting high. The problem presented
with this effect is that when the drug wears off the person is left
with the same problems concerning their life as when they took the
drug. This causes many users to take more of the drug to further
escape the harsh reality of thier life. This taking and wearing off
of the drug creates in the person a psychological dependancy to the
drug which causes that person to want to do anything in their
ability to get the drug and make that drug a part of their life
The most common drugs experimented with at the young ages of eight
to fifteen are tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana. These drugs are
commonly called the gateway drugs and are considered the easiest to
obtain. Most young people get started taking drugs with older
friends who offered the drugs to them. With their desperete attempt
to fit in these adolescent teenagers will take the drug without
giving any thought to the effects on the body. Drug abuse has a
great impact on the growth rate of an young human being. Because
the body and mind of a young person has not reached full maturity,
taking drugs will inhibit the natural growth of both. The younger
the person the easier it is for them to become addicted. Drug use
also stops all mental growth until the drugs are stopped (Phillips
9-11). The body of a young person also builds a tolerence to drugs
faster and needs more of the drug to satisfy the cravings more
often (Phillips 9). Many drugs are available on today?s drug market
that entice teens and young adults to use and escape from
Some commonly abused drugs are: narcotics, barbiturates,
stimulants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steriods (Compton?s
276-277). Narcotics are usually used in pain killers but, as in
most cases, can be turned into heroin. With the use of this drug
pain free people will experience lightheadedness and nausea. Other
people will have the impression that all their worries are far
away. These fanticies are usually followed by a stupor and then by
a sever depression. Heroin is especially dangerous because, unlike
other narcotics that are used for medicinal purposes, it is not
subject to quality controls. The treatment of a person addicted to
narcotics is rehabilitation that includes the use of a synthetic
narcotic drug methadone. Though this drug is highly addictive if
taken under supervision it will prevent the withdrawal syndrome
caused from trying to quit a drug (Compton?s 276).
Barbiturates, commonly called ?downers? are medicinally prescribed
for insomnia and tension. These drugs loosen muscles and relax the
mind. Though having a highly respectable medicinal use if these
drugs are abused they will lead to sever depression.
In this
depression is is easy for the user to forget how much he or she has
already taken of the drug therefore making the possibility of an
overdose high. The withdrawal symptomns of these particular drugs
are so sever that without medication the withdrawal causes
convlusions, delirium, and even death (276). Stimulants, commonly
called ?uppers? or ?speed? cause, in direct contrast to
barbiturates, a highly sensitized sense of wakefulness and
alertness. These drugs can be used medically to cope with sleeping
disorders, to control a person?s appetite, and to fight depression
Hallucinogens, LSD and PCP, are under the classification of
mind-altering drugs. These drugs when abused cause a distortion of
perceptions. This includes hallucinations, inexplainable terror,
paranoia, and the feeling that the person is invincible. People who
take hallucinogens hope that the hallucinations they will see will
be mystical and pleasurable but there is no way of knowing what the
visions will be like. When these drugs are repeatedly abused the
results can include broken bones from the person thinking of
themselves an invinciable to even death. These drugs cloud the
users thought and make reality far away and not easily recognisable
(277). Though many other drugs are used illegally these are the
ones most commonly found to be abused.
After a declination of drug abuse through the 1980?s among
teenagers htere was a jump. In the late 1980?s more than fourteen
million Americans admitted to using illegal drugs at least once a
month (277). According to Sora, ?Daily use among eight graders had
quadrupled since 1992? (51). Between 1992 and 1995 almost twice as
many teenagers had smoked marijuana in the last twelve months. In
1995, almost half of highschool seniors had used an illegal drug at
least once and twenty percent of eighth graders admitted to trying
inhalants to get high. In a recent study of twelve to seventeen
year olds more than half said that heroin and cocaine were easily
obtainable (Sora 51-52). Many people contribute this icrease in
drug abuse to a slowing of drug prevention advertisement. Between
the 1980?s and the 1990?2 there was a decrease of television
comercials and ads against drugs and the ones that were aired were
aired when teenagers were not likely to watch.
With so many drugs being used illegally the United States declared
a War on Drugs. The first federal drug-control law, initiated in
1914, was called the Harrison Narcotic Act. THis act gave the
police departments the right to punish people for illegally
handling opium and other related drugs. In 1937, a similar law was
enacted for drug offenders of marijuana. With further realizations
of the harmful effects of drugs on a human body and mind there was
a Drug Abuse Control Amendment of 1965 which handed out penalties
for the illegal sale, consumption, and possesion of stimulants,
sedatives, and hallucinogens. This law started the race against
drugs. After the Amendment of 1965 came the Narcotic Addict
Rehabilation Act of 1966. This rehabilation act gave drug offenders
the choice to go to a treatment center rather than jail.
Institutions were started to provide a drug free atmosphere and
help drug abusers overcome their illnesses (Compton?s 277). Though
many people did choose to go to a rehabilation center rather than
spend time in jail others decided that time in a treatment center
would be harder than jail. They reasoned that by spending their
time in jail that they would only have to bide their time until
they were let out. Once out there was the option of going back to
thier old life. In rehabilation there were rules that had to be
obayed and if they were disobayed, such as bringing drugs into the
center, then the person breaking the law was sent to jail. After
the Rehabilation Act there was an Anit-Drug Abuse Act propossed in
1988. This act made the penalties for anabolic steroid abuse
stronger. In this year there was also the Office of National Drug
Control Policy created to watch over the drug problems that seemed
to be only escalating (277).
With the solution to drug abuse seen as rehabilation there was a
new question presented. The question on how to get people convicted
of drug abuse interested in thier programs. What was found was a
greater enthusiam than expected. After ordered into either
residential or out-patient treatment the drug offender goes through
the initial withdrawal symptoms (Woodcook). After the first
terrifying part of withdrawal over the drug abuser is able to find
out what it is like to be drug free again. A desire to stay
abstinant is surpiisingly the main reason for success in
rehabilation facilities. During the rehabilation process the drug
offender will be tought all there is to know about their drug and
all the alternatives to taking the drug. A helping hand to the
recovery process is work. Any type of gratifying work that will
keep the offender?s mind off their addiction is acceptable. Not
only does this oppurtunity give the drug offender an alternative to
doing drugs but it also helps the drug offenter lose contact with
their drug friends, keep his or her mind off the drugs that, until
then, controlled their life, and helps the drug offender make new,
clean friends (Cohen 308-309). This also encourages the offender to
stay clean. There are times this process does not work. In that
case the drug offender is sent back to jail.
Drug Abuse And Reprocussions Thereof Essay Research
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