Constitution Of The United States Of America Essay, Research
of The United States of
The Constitution consists of a preamble, 7 articles, and 27
amendments. The first part of the constitution is the Preamble. The
Preamble explains the purpose for writing the Constitution and the
main ideas to be carried out by the government and the people in
order to make a more perfect union. Each purpose of the preamble
had a special meaning to statesmen in seventeen eighty nine. The
purpose was one, to form a more perfect union of people living
together. Two, to establish justice for creditors by given them the
right to take away the possessions of people who don’t compensate
them. Three, to ensure domestic tranquillity, or prevent events
such as Shays Rebellion. Four, to provide common defense or to
protect the nation from adversaries such Indians and the pirates.
Five, to promote general welfare, which relates to the depression
the country was in economically (by the way our nations economy is
called Capitalism). And lastly six, to secure the blessing of
liberty by enforcing the idea of freedom in every way possible.
The Seven Articles
Article One describes The Legislative Department. Section one
states that the congress is based on a two house, or a bicameral
system. This type of congress has two legislatures – The House of
Representatives and The Senate.
Sec.1 – The House of Representatives. The main idea is that all
house members are elected for a two year term in their office. It
also states the qualifications of a representative, or what you
have to have or be to become a representative. A person must be
twenty-five years of age and have lived in the united states for
seven years, therefore making the person a citizen of our country.
The person also must, if running for a position in government in a
certain state, be an inhabitant of the state the person is running
in. For instance if you were an inhabitant living in California you
wouldn’t be able to run for governor of Oregon because you wouldn’t
have the same perception of issues or most likely anything than an
Oregonian. Plus Californians aren’t that welcome here anyway.
Sec.2 – The House Membership is based on state population. The
number of representatives is now 435 and goes up with the increase
in population. So, if Florida gains another 50,000 Cubans, they
will assign another 3 or 4 representatives to stand for them. The
speaker is the most powerful person in this government body. He is
either a Democrat or a Republican, depending on which holds the
majority of seats in the house. To explain say that 70 percent of
the House was Democratic, since it is the majority, the speaker
will be a Democrat. The House also has the soul power of
impeachment, or to put the president on trial and try to threaten
or get rid of him.
Sec.3 – The Senate. This section lists the number of Senators,
elections, and terms in office. There are two Senators from each
state and each one is entitled to a six year term. Each Senator has
one vote. One third of the Senate is chosen every two years.
In order to become a Senator, you must meet the following
qualifications. You must be at least 30 years of age and have been
a citizen of the united states for two years.
The Vice-president presides over the Senate and can only vote in
the event that the senate’s votes tie.
The Senate acts as the jury for an impeachment, but it takes more
than two thirds vote to remove the President. The Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court presides over the trial.
Sec. 4 – Election and Meeting of the Congress. Congress must meet
once each year. This was to prevent congress from not meeting as
happened in England for 175 years.
Sec.5 – Organization and Rules of each House. A two thirds majority
members vote is required in a house to expel a member. Once a
session of congress has begun the meeting site may not be changed,
to prevent lack of one-sided votes due to the opposition’s
confusion of the area and not being able to find the meeting
Sec. 6 – Congressional Privileges and Restraints. During session, a
congressman is immune or free from arrest except for charges of
treason, felonies, and breach of the peace.
Sec. 7 – How Bills become Laws. Both houses must approve the bill
before it is passed. Then it presented to the President who may
accept it or veto it within ten days of getting the bill if he does
not like it. If accepted by the President or the President does not
respond within ten days, the bill becomes law. If the President
does not respond within ten days but the Congress ends session
before the ten days, then the bill dies. This is called a pocket
veto. If the bill is returned (vetoed) by the President while the
congress is in session and within ten days, it goes back to the
house and Senate. The President’s veto may be overcome and the bill
will become a law if the bill is now passed by a two-thirds vote in
each and both houses of the Congress.
Sec. 8 – Powers granted to Congress. These are some of the
delegated or numerated powers of Congress: taxation, regulate
trade, coinage, declare war, create and support the militaries.
Sec.9 – Powers denied to the Federal Government. It may not suspend
Habeus Corpus ( a person may not be jailed without being informed
of the charge). It cannot enact an ex post facto bill.
Sec. 10 – Powers denied to the States. States cannot make treaties,
coin money, change import or export duties, or age war unless
Article Two deals with The Executive Branch which is the President
and the Vice President of the United States.
Sec. 1. – Terms of Office. Each has four years in office and may be
reelected to the position once. Each state will vote for electors
who then will vote for their presidential candidate The candidate
who wins the most votes in a state gets all the electors votes from
that state. The candidate who receives the most electoral votes
(not total people votes) becomes President. The President must be
35 years old, a natural born citizen, and a resident in the U.S.
for fourteen years. The Vice President takes over if the President
dies or does not complete his term.
Sec. 2. – Powers of the President. The President is the head of the
armed forces. He has executive powers as head of the executive
administrative branch and can make treaties, and grant reprieves
and pardons. He can make appointments to ambassadors, judges, and
other public ministers but the appointments must get the Senate’s
Sec. 3 – Presidential Duties. The President must carry out the laws
passed by Congress most of which he delegates to agencies. He must
report the State of the Union each year to the Congress and has the
ability to influence congress.
Article Three deals with The Judicial Branch: the federal judges
and courts. The Judiciary Act of 1789 set up a system of federal,
district, and circuit courts, or courts of appeal. The Judiciary
review can send a law back to Congress if they decide the law is
unconstitutional. The appeals courts also decide if a lower court
acted properly in trying a case based on interpretation of the
Article Four deals with Interstate Relations.
Sec. 1 – Recognition of Powers.
In maintaining reciprocal
recognition of states for one another, one state must recognize the
records and official acts of another state. Court judgments and
legal actions in one state are valid throughout the United States,
but one state does not have police powers in another state.
Sec. 2- Mutual Duties of the States. All states must treat the
citizens of another state the same way they treat their own
citizens. On demand of a state’s governor, a person should be
returned to the state he fled and was suspected of committing a
Sec. 3 – New States and Territories. No new state may be formed
from a previous state or from combining the land of two separate
states without the consent of Congress and the involved states.
Sec. 4 – Federal Protection for States. The federal government
guarantees a republican form of government for each state,
protection for each state against invasion or domestic
Article Five deals with The Amending Process. It states that the
constitution may be changed with two thirds vote by Congress and
ratified by three fourths of the states voting for it.
Article Six deals with Federal Credit and Federal Supremacy.
Supremacy means that any state legislation which is in conflict
with the U.S. Constitution or federal laws is null and void. Also,
religious tests may not be used for a person to qualify for an
office or voting.
Article Seven deals with The Ratification of the Constitution. Nine
of the original thirteen states had to vote in favor of the
Constitution for it to become ratified.
The Amendments to the Constitution
The Bill of Rights, The first ten amendments
1. Freedom of Opinion, 1791. This most famous amendment, single
most famous part of the Constitution, guarantees the five basic
freedoms: the freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and
2. The Right to Bear Arms, 1791. People have the right to keep and
bare arms, and states can have their own militia.
3. Quartering of Troops. No soldier may be quartered in any house
without the consent of the house’s owner (This was the result from
the British Quartering Acts).
4. Searches and Seizures, 1791. A person, or place, house, papers,
or effects of a person may not be searched or taken without a
warrant. A warrant must be a written court order from a judge only
after the property to be entered or taken is named and the judge is
satisfied that the property will produce evidence of a crime.
5. Rights of the Accused Person, 1791. A person can not be
compelled to be a witness for or against oneself. A person cannot
be tried twice for the same offense. The person cannot be deprived
of life, property, or liberty without due process of law. No
private property can be taken from a person without just
6. Rights of the Accused Person to a Speedy Trial, 1791. A person
has the right to a speedy trial with no delay, and must be tried in
the district where the crime was committed. The person must be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation. The person has
the right to obtain witnesses and must be confronted by the
accusing witnesses. Since 1942, the person has the right to a
lawyer, and if the person cannot afford one, the federal government
will provide a lawyer.
7. Suits at Common Law, 1791. A jury trial is guaranteed if the sum
of money involved is above twenty dollars.
8. Bails and Punishments, 1791. Fixed rate for bails and
punishments for crimes. No bail shall be excessive, nor any fine or
punishment be cruel and unusual.
9. Rights not Enumerated. People retain all rights not stated.
Prevents over extension of government powers.
10. Powers not Delegated, 1791. Any powers not stated in the
Constitution are reserved for the states.
The remaining 16 amendments:
11. Suits against States, 1798. Individuals cannot sue states in
federal courts ( can only sue in state court).
12. Presidential Election, 1804. The President and Vice President
are voted upon on separate ballots. Electors will meet in their
respective states and vote for the President and the Vice
President. The votes are sent to the Senate and the President of
the Senate counts the votes in a joint session of Congress. In case
of a tie, or no majority, the House of Representatives decides who
the President will be.
Note: Amendment 13, 14, and 15 are called the «National Supremacy
Amendments» because they gave the federal government more supremacy
over the states and limited the states action of powers they
formerly had.
13. Abolition of Slavery, 1865. Abolished slavery, freed the
14. Limitations on State Actions, 1868. Negroes were made citizens
without state discrimination. States would be denied representation
if they denied anyone the right to vote. Did not allow Confederates
to hold office or join the military. Forbids the payment of
Confederate debt. The Congress can pass laws to carry out this
15. Negro Suffrage, 1870. Blacks were made voters as well as
citizens. All citizens have the right to vote.
16. Income Tax, 1913. Congress can tax without apportionment.
17. Direct Election of Senators, 1913. Senators are elected by
direct vote by the people. The Governor appoints any vacancies that
happen during a term.
18. Prohibition, 1919. Prohibited the manufacturing, selling, or
transporting of alcoholic beverages in the United States.
19. Woman Suffrage, 1920. Gave women the right to vote.
20. Abolition of «lame duck» sessions, 1933. Abolished lame duck
sessions of Congress by ending a Congressman or Senator who was
defeated not to return to the next session of Congress. Elections
are held in November, and the congress ends its sessions in
December. Today, the new session of Congress begins on January 3rd.
It shortened the time between a President’s election and
inauguration with the President term beginning January 20th.
21. Repeal of Prohibition, 1933. Repealed the 18th amendment. It
was taken off the books. Alcohol could now be made, sold and
transported in the U.S.
22. Limitation of Presidential Terms, 1951. No person may be
elected to be President more than twice and the person may not hold
the office of President more than ten years.
23. Voting in the District of Columbia, 1961. As of 1964, The
district of Columbia was given three electoral votes.
24. Prohibiting States to use Poll Tax, 1964. A citizen does not
have to pay a tax or anything to vote.
25. Presidential Succession, 1965. Provided method for removing the
President for reasons other than death. States the Vice President
will become President, if the President dies or resigns. If the
Vice Presidency becomes vacant, the President may nominate a new
vice President subject to approval by majority votes from both
houses of Congress. If the President can perform the duties of the
Presidency the Vice President will assume the duties of the
President as acting President. If and when the president is able,
he will resume his powers as President. If there is disagreement
about the President ability to govern, the Congress will make the
final decision.
26. 18 year old Vote, 1971. All U.S. citizens, 18 years old and
older have the right to vote.
27. Congressional Pay Increase, 1992. If Congress votes a pay raise
for themselves, they can’t make it effective until after the next
congressional election.
Constitution Of The United States Of America
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